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IR-EMOP Assistance to drought-affected populations of the Oruro Department

Operation ID: 201021

Bolivia is experiencing one of the most severe droughts in the last 15 years, with 135,000 affected families countrywide.2 Because of its critical impact on herding, the main source of livelihood for the rural population, almost all municipalities of the Oruro department have declared a drought emergency.

The Vice Ministry of Civil Defense (VIDECI) and the Department of Oruro have formally requested WFP to provide life-saving food assistance in form of cash-based transfers to the most vulnerable parts of the population. In order to protect livelihoods, this assistance will be partially provided conditional to the rehabilitation of vigiñas, the only source of water for livestock.

The project will be implemented from 22 September to 22 December, 2016. In collaboration with the Government, WFP assistance will target 40,000 people in the 21 most vulnerable municipalities in the western part of the Oruro department of Bolivia.